Released: 2023-03-29
Today, Statistics Canada’s Centre for Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics released a series of data visualization tools that uses graphs to present over 120 social inclusion indicators that are accessible on the Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics Hub.
This new series of data visualization tools introduces a conceptual framework to organize the social inclusion indicators for racialized groups and immigrants in Canada under 11 themes, which are accessible through their associated interactive tool. The data can be disaggregated by various socio-demographic characteristics and by geography.

The themes include participation in the labour market, representation in decision-making positions, civic engagement and political participation, basic needs and housing, health and well-being, education and skills development, income and wealth, social connections and personal networks, local community, public services and institutions, and discrimination and victimization.
The complete list of social inclusion indicators and a description of their corresponding derivation are also accessible today in the new Reference guide on social inclusion indicators for Canada’s ethnocultural groups.
The Data visualization tools — Social inclusion indicators for Canada’s ethnocultural groups and the Reference guide on social inclusion indicators for Canada’s ethnocultural groups are available on the Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics Hub.

Statistics Canada will continue to update the indicators using the latest available data. The currently available data are based on the 2006 and 2016 censuses, the 2011 National Household Survey, the 2021 Canadian Housing Survey, the 2021 Uniform Crime Reporting Survey, the 2020 Canadian Community Health Survey, the 2020 General Social Survey – Social Identity and the 2019 General Social Survey – Victimization.

The social inclusion framework, its indicators and now the visualization tools are products released by the Centre for Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics that aim to support Canada’s Anti-Racism Strategy by providing evidence.
The concept of “racialized group” is derived directly from the “visible minority” variable in the Census.

“Visible minority” refers to whether a person is a visible minority or not, as defined by the Employment Equity Act. The Employment Equity Act defines visible minorities as “persons, other than Aboriginal peoples, who are non-Caucasian in race or non-white in colour.”

The visible minority population consists mainly of the following groups: South Asian, Chinese, Black, Filipino, Arab, Latin American, Southeast Asian, West Asian, Korean and Japanese.

For more information, or to enquire about the concepts, methods or data quality of this release, contact us (toll-free 1-800-263-1136; 514-283-8300; or Media Relations (

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